Your daughter's path to wealth starts now.

Discover how she can grow in financial wisdom & wealth with "The Wealth Track for Girls" - designed for the next generation of female leaders. 


How confident are you in your girl's ability to manage money and create freedom through building wealth?

If you just paused...I'm here to help.

Enroll in The Wealth Track for Girls Today!
Building wealth isn’t just about the dollar sign. It’s about having freedom, options, and choices in your life. It’s about controlling your future instead of someone else controlling you. When a girl learns the four foundations of building wealth, she can create a life of financial security and freedom.


Girls who take “The Wealth Track for Girls” will learn:

  • Responsibility with Money: Create and maintain a monthly budget.
  • Goal Setting: Set and achieve her biggest financial goals.
  • Automated Savings: Make saving money an automated habit.
  • Early Investing: Get ahead financially in life through early investing.
  • Roadmaps and Templates: Tools and processes made specifically to help girls win with their money

In The Next Month, Your Girl Could…

  • Budget her income and expenses every month
  • Start saving for short-term and long-term money goals 
  • Begin investing to take advantage of compound interest at a young age

The right financial moves can make all the difference. We’ll cover it all in The Wealth Track for Girls.

Take a quick peek inside the member’s area of The Wealth Track for Girls


What you’re getting inside The Wealth Track for Girls:

The Wealth Track for Girls is the opposite of a classroom feel. It's a fun and engaging online course that you can take at your own pace, from your laptop or phone. The Wealth Track for Girls teaches girls the crucial components about money and wealth that they will need to use for the rest of their lives (can you say that about a parallelogram?)

Course Highlights

  • 24/7 Lifetime Access: Enjoy unlimited access, including all future updates!
  • Templates and Roadmaps: Get practical tools for budgeting, investing, and more.
  • Personalized Support: Reach out anytime for 1:1 help or questions.


Course Modules:

Step 1: The Cool Girl's Guide to Budgeting
Step 2: Saving and Goal Setting
Step 3: Investing for Your Future
Step 4: How the Heck Do I Invest?
Step 5: Retirement Investment Options

Getting started with building wealth can start right now!

Enroll Your Daughter Now!

Why You Can No Longer Afford to Ignore Your Daughter’s Need for Financial Literacy


The Consequences of Financial Illiteracy:

  • People with a lack of financial literacy are more likely to have higher debt, live paycheck to paycheck, and experience increased health and stress issues (Sources:,,
  • 75% of American teens lack confidence in their knowledge of personal finance (Source:
  • Personal finance classes are not mandatory in all high schools. And if they are, girls need MORE than just a semester class!

The Benefits of Financial Education:

  • “Financial education can and will play a pivotal role in supporting women who may experience personal crises and can also give them the strength to leave unhealthy relationships, confident that they can economically support themselves.” - Burnstein, CPA at Gerson Preston.
  • People who receive financial literacy and knowledge are more likely to prevent devastating money mistakes, prepare for retirement, save wisely, and rely on themselves and their abilities (Sources:,

Investing in your daughter’s financial literacy isn’t just about money—it’s about empowering her with the skills and confidence to create a secure and prosperous future.

What some of our successful students have to say!

I am proud of my decision to complete The Wealth Track for Girls mini-course. Before taking this course, I easily became overwhelmed when money was discussed as well as anxious over what I did not know. This course provided realistic outlines and suggestions for planning, saving, and tracking. Knowing the basics and being confident in what financial knowledge I do have, I feel less influenced by the unknown. I frequently encourage my friends to take this course, as well as to consider gifting it to other young women looking to become more financially literate.
- Bre
Completing moveHER Money was SO eye opening for me. I feel like I now have a better grasp on spending my money wisely and making sure that I utilize a budget to pay back my student loans AND still buy the things I really want. I would 10/10 recommend any girl in her early twenties to take the moveHER money course!!
- Maddy
moveHER Money put into perspective how to make, save, and use my money responsibly and mindfully in order to have a financially successful future. I love that Sarah covers confusing topics like investing and simplifies them so that I can truly understand what decisions to make with my money.
- Liberty

Imagine your daughter (or you!)...

  • Being able to have control over her own money, instead of having someone else (like a toxic man, boss or landlord) controlling her.
  • Having the wisdom to know the difference between needs vs. wants and setting long-term financial goals.
  • Living a life free of money stress because she was able to budget her money and begin investing early.
  • Having future options and freedom to choose what she wants (ie: start a business, travel, be a stay at home mom) because she set herself up for wealth at a young age.
  • Being able to teach her future children about money because YOU provided her with the gift of financial literacy.

How much does The Wealth Track for Girls cost?

*NEW* Payment Plan


for 3 months


Pay In Full


  • Girls who learn how to budget, save, and invest can change their financial future by thousands (if not hundreds of thousands…or more!) of dollars. Interest makes an impact, especially compound interest through investing vs. interest from credit card mistakes (ouch!).
  • I have an investment account where I invested monthly from the ages of 23-28 and then never invested a dime again. Even though I only invested in that one account for 5 years in my twenties, on average, that account provides $10K-$20K in returns every month. This has given me options such as starting a business, traveling, spending more time with my kids, and more.
  • If you break down the costs it's about $0.26/day over the course of a year to invest in The Wealth Track for Girls. Compare that to a girl who knows how to build wealth and that's a massive ROI on your investment!

Over $300 in free bonuses!

Plus, when you enroll your girl in “The Wealth Track for Girls” we’ll include these free bonuses worth over $300!

Gen Z Credit Climb

Value: $197

The Ultimate Playbook for Credit Score Success. Receive an entire playbook to unlock the secrets to achieve a stellar credit score in just 3-6 months – without the debt!


It Is Possible! eBook

Value: $12

The eBook“It Is Possible! - How I Earned Two Debt-Free Degrees and How You Can, Too” by Jason Brown provides relevant information to help potential higher education students graduate without a debt sentence.

Dollars and Dreams Checklist

Value: $97

This key checklist typically used in 1:1 money coaching helps girls create a plan, take action, and stay accountable to achieve their financial goals


Get the knowledge on how to build wealth and enroll today!

Enroll Your Daughter Now!

Hi, I'm Sarah Kurtenbach


I'm so glad you're here!
Let me tell you about my money past.
  • In high school, I paid for my car in cash.
  • In college, I paid for my business degree in cash.
  • By the age of 27, I had invested and saved enough money where I could choose if I wanted to work the next 10 years or not (all while living in NYC which is spendy!)
  • My husband and are debt-free and have paid off over $1M in debt.
I'm super passionate about helping young girls become financially wise so they can stay out of debt and experience wealth + security.
My current business venture is building moveHER Money - an online educational program to equip high school and college girls with financial intelligence. 
After serving as a VP of a Fortune 500 Media Company in Atlanta and NYC, I moved back home to South Dakota to marry the love of her life (Chad) and start a consulting practice. We have a son, Pierce and a daughter, Ava. If there's one thing you can find in my house it's either coffee or dance parties!
While I love talking about money, I am not a financial professional. I am not a financial advisor, portfolio manager, or accountant. This is not trading advice, investing advice, or tax advice. The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Investment products discussed (IRA's, Mutual Funds, etc.) are for illustrative purposes only. moveHER Money, LLC.